Features & Benefits

The WeldSafe Welding Mat is designed to dramatically reduce fatigue and withstand the challenges of welding environments.

  • Specifically formulated to repel sparks and hot metal shards
  • Thick rubber surface with a melt point of over 260 degrees Celsius
  • Super resilient Nitricell sponge base
  • Nitrile rubber composite
  • Offers unparalleled comfort during long shifts
  • Welding Floor Mat with safety bevelled edges

Speak to our team about the best Welding Mats in Australia and request a free quote today.

Standard Mat Sizes

600mm x 900mm

Mat Specifications

Surface Fabric:Rubber
Backing:Nitricell Sponge
Uses:For use in Dry Areas. Long Standing
Compound:Rubber Surface/Nitricell Sponge
Coefficient of Friction:1.10 Dry per ASTM F1677
Tabor Abrasion:> 1% lost @ 1,000 cycles per Fed Std. 193
Flammability:“A” Rating per MVSS 302
Edging:Safety bevelled
Warranty:3 years conditional warranty
